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Showing posts with the label life

Carla Bikini

BNB Tobacco

Deliema for Rayline and Octavia

Rayline was a normal guy, fun exciting and loved life. But after meeting Octavia he found that life was normal.Most people  fall in love get married and wait to be the best man or woman or god father or god mother to the next generation of lovers. Rayline  couldn't  do that he was an artist . He thought falli g in love was part of society acceptable standars and that being true to his feelings was what his friends encouraged. Octavia was a priduct of step fathers and heroin abuse. Her mother was a jew and a bartender and her father was musician. She ran away at 18 and lived  in Sacremento were she had various jobs given by her land lord Anthony. After 5 years she found love and finally died of cancer. Octavios never foorgave her but he moved on buying his dream home in Florida and producing 5 art shows a year for a lical charity. His success comes from the live he had, lost and his willingness to forgive.