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Carla Bikini

BNB Tobacco

NASA experiment simulates growing potatoes on MARS: Space spuds could help us colonise the Red Planet

NASA experiment simulates growing potatoes on MARS: Space spuds could help us colonise the Red Planet Ridley Scott's sci-fi blockbuster  The Martian  showed Matt Damon's stranded astronaut  trying to grow potatoes  on the inhospitable surface of Mars. A team of scientists working with NASA is now attempting to make  that science fiction into a science fact   The objective is twofold: firstly, as a stepping stone to figuring out how to grow space spuds for real once we get humans to Mars. And secondly, to show how resultant the humble potato is and potentially save lives here on Earth. The idea is that the experiment will pressure governments to fund development of farming in devastated areas around the globe. "How better to learn about climate change than by growing crops on a planet that died two billion years ago?" said Joel Ranck, head of communications at the International Potato Center. "We need people to understand that if we can grow potatoes ...